World Wide Energetic Space Clearings


Deirdre James specializes in restoring harmony to any space.  In her work, many elements are blended together to support an appreciation for the beauty and sacredness of our everyday environment and to reveal the underlying perfection that is always present.

Relating to your space as a living entity with a dynamic energy signature, Deirdre clears dense, inharmonious, illusion based energies and ghosts.  Her co-creative Enchantments encourage, and have the ability to restore the natural song of a space.

The result of her clearings is a calmer, more vital space that is better able to support  all who enter in a harmonious and magical way.  Radiantly serendipitous occurrences are enhanced.  Daily life and projects flow with greater ease, because the environment is attuned to the grace and delightful synchronicity that occurs when stagnant energy is released.

There are so many ways to move forward on your life’s path.  If you are unsure of your next step or of where to start, an Enchantment can make way for clarity and direction to present itself.  If you are focused and working toward something specific, a session can help clear away any illusions holding you back.

It is Deirdre’s goal to be of service to the planet and all bodies and souls.  She would love to assist you in creating a radiant space that will nourish, comfort, and strengthen you on your greatest adventure:  discovering who you truly are.  Once you know who you are, you will know what to do and how to be.  Her wish is for everyone to have a space that is peaceful, dynamically enchanting, and alive with magic!

Enchanted Blessing


~ by mysticallysexy on December 27, 2015.